Home Reading Books
My Sister |
My Bag |
Sound Book t |
My Pet |
Sound Book b |
Kimmy in the Toy Shop |
Sound Book r |
My Dinosaur |
Sound Book a |
My Friend, Oscar |
Ten Books and Ten Pencils |
Sound Book o |
A Play |
Sound Book m |
What is on the Mat |
Sound Book h |
Grandma and the Birthday Cake |
Dad |
Sound Book e |
The Cake |
Sound Book c |
Grandma |
Sound Book n |
The Birthday Cake |
Sound Book l |
A Paper Plate Mask |
The Mask |
Sound Book i |
The Cat |
Sound Book p |
Our Paper Plate Mask |
Sound Book j |
The Pig |
Sound Book y |
Where Am I? |
What can I see |
I can see |
Where is the Big Bird |
Sound Book u |
Can they see me |
The Big Crab |
Monkeys |
Sound Book f |
Dolphins and Sharks |
The Flying Monkeys |
The Big Black Spiders |
Sound Book w |
Two Fat Ducks |
I can see why |
Why are the Tigers Running |
Sound Book v |
Fun Time at the Zoo |
Here Comes the Snake |
Run Snake run |
Dancing in Pink Shoes |
Sound Book d |
Where is the Elephant |
Where is the Banana |
Dancing at the Zoo |
Sound Book g |
The Monkey has the Pink Dress |
The Monkey and the Shoes |
Here Comes the Monkey |
Sound Book z |
Fun Time |
At the Zoo |
Fun Time in our Classroom |